Seonix Bio
SeonixBio is using genetics to predict glaucoma risk. With a mission to reduce blinding eye disease through the development of advanced techniques for clinical risk prediction
SeonixBio is using genetics to predict glaucoma risk. With a mission to reduce blinding eye disease through the development of advanced techniques for clinical risk prediction,
Seonix is developing clinical services to help health professionals manage an individual's risk of developing glaucoma.
A polygenic disease, (influenced by a multiple genetic variants across the genome), Glaucoma causes progressive vision loss by damaging the optic nerve due to increased pressure within the eye. Glaucoma is progression is often gradual and individuals may not realise they are losing peripheral vision at first, until optic nerve damage has occurred. Vision loss due to glaucoma is irreversible once it has occurred. However, once diagnosed, glaucoma can usually be managed successfully with eye drops, laser therapy, or surgery.
Seonix's accredited, saliva-based SightScoreTM test can calculate an individual's risk prediction for developing glaucoma. Better understanding of a risk profile can enable proactivity in healthcare management, including earlier detection and effective treatment options for a glaucoma diagnosis."